Join a group purchase of properties at a discount


Engage in a group purchase of properties with 20 to 30% below the builder's price. With our service, you can acquire a property in construction and investment projects that are at different stages - from the earliest phases of design and construction to partially built or fully completed sites. This allows you to take advantage of significant discounts by buying at lower prices compared to the standard terms offered by property developers.

How does the service for group purchase of apartments and villas work?

1. Project identification:

  • We research and identify new construction projects that offer the opportunity to buy apartments and villas in bulk at lower prices.

2. Group price negotiation:

  • We negotiate prices that are 20-30% below the standard price offered by the builder.

3. Conclusion of purchase contracts:

  • After negotiating the terms, we take care of the entire process of concluding contracts with property developers. You get maximum security and transparency in the buying process.
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